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Mix Santa Chiara 1 Kg

...ny dishes: mozzarella and processed cheese with buffalo milk butter make this product unique in the WORLD of pizza making, catering and gastronomy.

SA Dressing Pizza alla Mozzarella Frozen 1 Kg

...veloped to make pizza special: indeed, it is very much in demand by master pizza chefs all over the WORLD. Its capacity to remain white and stringy even at high temperatures makes it an ideal ingredient to...

SA Dressing Pizza alla Mozzarella Frozen 2 Kg

...veloped to make pizza special: indeed, it is very much in demand by master pizza chefs all over the WORLD. Its capacity to remain white and stringy even at high temperatures makes it an ideal ingredient to...

SA Dressing Pizza alla Mozzarella filleted/cubed Frozen 3 Kg

...veloped to make pizza special: indeed, it is very much in demand by master pizza chefs all over the WORLD. Its capacity to remain white and stringy even at high temperatures makes it an ideal ingredient to...

SA Dressing pizza alla Mozzarella thermo-formed block Frozen 6 Kg

...veloped to make pizza special: indeed, it is very much in demand by master pizza chefs all over the WORLD. Its capacity to remain white and stringy even at high temperatures makes it an ideal ingredient to...

Fuso Filatella Dolce 2 Kg

Filatella is appreciated every day by consumers all around the WORLD as a stringy specialty ideal to be used both raw and cooked for rolls, salads, pizza, first courses...

Fuso Filatella Dolce 4 Kg

Filatella is appreciated every day by consumers all around the WORLD as a stringy specialty ideal to be used both raw and cooked for rolls, salads, pizza, first courses...

F Fuso Filatella forchetta Kg 2

Filatella is appreciated every day by consumers all around the WORLD as a stringy specialty ideal to be used both raw and cooked for rolls, salads, pizza, first courses...

F Fuso Filatella 2 Kg

Filatella is appreciated every day by consumers all around the WORLD as a stringy specialty ideal to be used both raw and cooked for rolls, salads, pizza, first courses...


Welcome to Dalli Cardillo's WORLD

DALLI CARDILLO IN THE WORLD Making good things THE DALLI CARDILLO GROUP is the evolution of a good and sound family story t...


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News list from Dalli Cardillo's WORLD

SA Filatella Cubed Frozen 3 Kg

Filatella is appreciated every day by consumers all around the WORLD as a stringy specialty ideal to be used both raw and cooked for rolls, salads, pizza, first courses...

English Courses

Our English Courses in Malta

Bilingual and with strong historical and cultural connotations linked to the English speaking WORLD, Malta is a viable alternative to study and improve the English language. Before starting courses,...

Italian language course

Italian language course in Malta

...ted in Article 1 of the Statute, is to "preserve and spread the Italian language and culture in the WORLD, reviving the spiritual ties of compatriots abroad with their motherland and promoting among foreig...

The Dalli Cardillo Group answers

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to receive further information and details on our products and services or request a customized quotation.

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